Reasons Why Background Checking Exploits the Web

Our thirst for information has exploded in the past few years thanks to the power of the Web. Thanks to the advent of the Internet, data mankind has published online occurs through too many interfaces for the mind to manage. Highly speculative estimates say that Websites around the world consists of a million, million Web pages and that our Internet agglomeration acquires more information amounting to one billion Web pages every day.

Three European Bands do “Thriller” – Swing Style

Michael Jackson's "Thriller" launched a revolution in imaginary music video production. He immortalized the traditional hollywood scare movie genre and started a trend in copycat productions that has swept around the world. Every year new videos of "Thriller" sendups and flash mobs appear on Vimeo, Youtube, and other video sharing services. But I always hear "Thriller" performed as Michael recorded it. Until now.